55 Baptised During Vanuatu Outreach


In May this year an outreach was held in the town of Lakatoro in the north of the island of Malekula with support from saints in South West Bay and Santo, and visiting Australians. Seventeen were baptised and Ps.Willie and a small group are returned in mid-June to establish the assembly.

The outreach then continued in Santo where a further 38 were baptised in our two assemblies at Mango Station and Siloe.

In addition to practical support, our donations also support Pastor Willie’s ministry in Santo and overall in his travels between islands, Pastor Jeffed’s ministry in Tanna, continuing assistance to the assembly in Bulbul Malekula and help in emergencies such as food when a cyclone in the south destroyed crops, and assistance following a landslide in a village in Santo, and contributions to special needs - medical costs for a sister seriously injured in a car accident.

Your ongoing generosity in support of our brethren is a great blessing and a wonderful testimony of the family of God in action.

God Bless

Ps Bob Beverley

PacificWebb & Flow