Holy Spirit Poured Out in Zambia

The Word is Moving in Zambia

In April 2015, the Zambia fellowship hosted Pastor Brian Allen and Pastor Timothy Rogers, who made the trip across the Indian Ocean to Central Africa. The two Australian Pastors made the trip to support and lend guidance to the growing fellowship in this country that now has hundreds of regular members.

During their time there, Pastor Brian and Pastor Tim visited 9 fellowships in 10 days, met many saints and witnessed God’s healing power in action. There were testimonies of healings in every village as well as protection of a brother from armed bandits and two brothers from one family who were miraculously healed from aids.

Although only 10 days, this visit resulted in 58 baptisms of locals with 44 of these people receiving the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues.

The entire Zambia fellowship sends a big thank you to Pastor Brian and Pastor Tim and especially to all the One Mission members who make these mission trips possible, and support these growing fellowships.

NOTE: Thank you to Brother Eddie from the Revival Fellowship in Zambia for the information provided for this article.

AfricaWebb & Flow